
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Diary of an Aqua-phobic Swimmer (Day Four & Conclusion)

Day Four (4)
Dear Diary,

No swimming lessons today.

Now why am I happy about that?*straight face*.

Hehehehehehe...I guess I needed a break from the anxiety.

The journey continues though.

See conclusion to this rendition after the cut:

At this point, I think it is time to pause the daily rendition of my swimming lessons.

Of course, I will definitely come back to share my victory dance when I get to achieve my ultimate goal; which is swimming like a fish *big smile and dreamy eyes*.

For now, I sure do hope you were able to live your fears through me. 

The challenge is if someone who couldn't stand the thought of water flowing freely down her face can actually step into a pool of water then what is stopping you from achieving that goal and conquering that phobia that has made you a "prisoner" for so long?

The word here is "baby steps" and yes, try not to be as impatient as I was *covers face*.

Be inspired and know that there is absolutely nothing YOU can't conquer once you set your mind to do just that

In as much as it has been a nerve-racking-finger-biting experience, I am glad I have began the process.

At least I can now tick an item off my bucket list :).

See you soon :)

Be Inspired


  1. you can't tick it off yet. Just put an asterix on it instead. you are yet to swim or float :D

  2. Lol...I am not ending my journey, I just put a stop to my daily renditions. By the way, I can float *sometimes*...hehehehehehe.


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