
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Turning Negativity Around

Growing up was pretty dramatic for me but through it all, one thing that was constant was the unconditional love we shared as a family.

Through thick and thin. Through who stole the meat from the pot and subsequent smacks on the butt. Through all the petty sibling rivalry (which my sister had to endure since I was the "baby of the house"). One thing that was constant was how quickly we could catch grenades for one another.

So you can only imagine my surprise when I delved into the wider World and realised things are really not that clear cut.

Where I naively expected everyone to be willing to express that unconditional love I grew up with, I met envy, malice and all kinds of vices.

Of course, at first it was a rude awakening and I am sure somewhere in my mind, a small voice was singing Chris Brown's Don't Wake Me Up.

But I had to eventually wake up, take off my rose coloured glasses and see the World as it really is.

A combination of good and evil; which in a way gives it the needed balance.

And although it is OK to want to feel loved by everyone around us.

The truth is that you can't have everyone in the crowd cheering you on.

Some people, most likely for malicious reasons, will want you down and sad.

And as sadistic as this may sound; that is absolutely fine.

What really matters is how One turns this negativity around; when you embrace this essential truth and learn to appreciate whatever amount of love you get.

Then it is now time to make that "hatred" productive.

Let it motivate you.

Let it spurn you on to be greater than you were yesterday.

Let it teach you how to have selective memory; the ability to remember and treasure the good while having mild amnesia where negativity is concerned.

Let it teach you that despite how hard it is to love those who hate you; it still makes you a better person.

Use it for your benefit.

Turn your HATERS to your MOTIVATORS.

Besides you only have three options:

To give in and let it define you.

To give up and let it defeat you.


To get up and let it refine you.

Choose wisely.

Question: How did you turn a negative situation around?

Be Inspired

NB:  I have been under the weather thus my inconsistent posts, but I am back now...I have missed YOU :).

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